Saturday, January 24, 2009

Sunshine on my shoulder makes me happy...but happier still when it's on my face.

I had a great time at the ward primary activity last evening! It was a culture night, and I helped to do a presentation on the Philippines. As I gathered "souvenirs" I'd brought home from serving my mission there, and Googled the latest facts and stats , I felt a lot of gratitude. I am grateful to have come from such a culturally rich and diverse place. I am also grateful to have had the opportunity to move to, and grow up in Canada. The opportunities afforded to my family and me here, could never have happened had we stayed in the Philippines. Though it is a great country in its own right, it is not the easiest place to live, and raise a family. I'm glad my parents had the foresight and courage to transplant us to this "brave new world". I'm sure it wasn't easy for them to leave all that was dear and familiar. I know it was quite a culture shock for me when I returned to the Philippines to serve a full-time mission! (That will be the subject of a future post or two I'm sure.)

Ah ha! So this post helped me to go back to the true purpose of this blog, which is to become more aware of, and thus more grateful for, the joys in my life! Mostly I think it's helped me realize that although the frigid weather has returned, it's all a part of the wonderful blessing to live in Canada! Hahahaha! At least the brilliant sunshine has returned too! I love the fact that I have to squint to look up at the cloudless blue sky today! I think I'll bask in the sunshine some more now....

P.S. Hope springs eternal that I'll one day raise my posting average! I've at least maintained it (currently at one/week) by writing today!

P.P.S. I'm not sure why this isn't coming as easily as I thought it would. I've never found writing in my journals as...daunting? Maybe it's because my journals have always been for a reading audience Maybe, I should just stop stressing about this so much, and just write. After all, no one else has to read this if they so choose, right? Hahaha!


joelle said...

ahah ohlove,
write whatever you feel like,
no stress at all! a new years resolution shouldn't bring you stress. just write, whatever you feel like.
p.s. you will be in my scrapbook.

Jess said...

So excited to see you enter the blogging world. Don't stress about blogging it is supposed to be fun. It will definitely help you find joy in your journey. I am so sad I missed the Philippines on Friday I had to go pick up Ryan from work. I heard it was awesome!

Yvonne said...

Just know I WILL READ!!!

I'm very glad that your parents took that leap of faith and moved to Canada.

Jess said...

I love the sunshine too. Hoping for some heat soon though.